All indicators

This page lists all available indicator groups in the Gender Data Portal by topic. Click the information button on the right of the indicator group to review the indicators within each group along with their respective definitions and sources. To further filter this page, use the dropdown below to select a data source, which will filter for all indicators from that data source within each topic.

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Children 0-14

Youth 15-24


Employment and Time Use

Norms and Decision-making



  • Can use a mobile money account without help from anyone, including a mobile money agent (% age 15+)
  • Can use a mobile money account without help from anyone, including a mobile money agent (% with a mobile money account, age 15+)
  • Can use account at a bank or financial institution without help if opened (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Children out of school (% of primary school age)
  • Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
  • GDP (current US$)
  • GDP growth (annual %)
  • GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$)
  • GDP per capita (current US$)
  • GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$)
  • GNI per capita, PPP (current international $)
  • GNI, Atlas method (current US$)
  • Gini index (World Bank estimate)
  • Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
  • Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
  • Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
  • Households with water 30 minutes or longer away round trip (%)
  • Households with water less than 30 minutes away round trip (%)
  • Households with water on the premises (%)
  • Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months)
  • Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months)
  • Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
  • Location of cooking: inside the house (% of households)
  • Location of cooking: other places (% of households)
  • Location of cooking: outdoors (% of households)
  • Location of cooking: separate building (% of households)
  • Made a digital in-store merchant payment for the first time after COVID-19 started (% age 15+)
  • Made a digital in-store merchant payment for the first time after COVID-19 started (% who made a digital in-store payment, age 15+)
  • Made a digital online payment for an online purchase for the first time after COVID-19 started (% age 15+)
  • Made a utility payment: using an account for the first time after COVID-19 started (% age 15+)
  • Main cooking fuel: LPG/natural gas/biogas (% of households)
  • Main cooking fuel: agricultural crop (% of households)
  • Main cooking fuel: charcoal (% of households)
  • Main cooking fuel: dung (% of households)
  • Main cooking fuel: electricity (% of households)
  • Main cooking fuel: straw/shrubs/grass (% of households)
  • Main cooking fuel: wood (% of households)
  • No account because financial institutions are too far away (% age 15+)
  • No account because financial institutions are too far away (% without an account, age 15+)
  • No account because financial services are too expensive (% age 15+)
  • No account because financial services are too expensive (% without an account, age 15+)
  • No account because of a lack of necessary documentation (% age 15+)
  • No account because of a lack of necessary documentation (% without an account, age 15+)
  • No account because of a lack of trust in financial institutions (% age 15+)
  • No account because of a lack of trust in financial institutions (% without an account, age 15+)
  • No account because of insufficient funds (% age 15+)
  • No account because of insufficient funds (% without an account, age 15+)
  • No account because of religious reasons (% age 15+)
  • No account because of religious reasons (% without an account, age 15+)
  • No account because someone in the family has one (% age 15+)
  • No account because someone in the family has one (% without an account, age 15+)
  • People practicing open defecation (% of population)
  • People practicing open defecation, rural (% of rural population)
  • People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population)
  • Poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population)
  • Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty lines (% of population)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: available mobile money products are too expensive (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: available mobile money products are too expensive (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: do not have their own mobile phone (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: do not have their own mobile phone (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: don't have enough money to use a mobile money account (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: don't have enough money to use a mobile money account (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: don't have the necessary documentation (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: don't have the necessary documentation (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: mobile money agents are too far away (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: mobile money agents are too far away (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: use an agent or someone else to make payments (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not having a mobile money account: use an agent or someone else to make payments (% without an account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: bank or financial institution is too far away (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: bank or financial institution is too far away (% with an inactive account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: don't feel comfortable using an account by themselves (% with an inactive account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: don't feel comfortable using the account by themselves (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: don't have enough money to use an account (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: don't have enough money to use an account (% with an inactive account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: don't trust banks or financial institutions (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: don't trust banks or financial institutions (% with an inactive account, age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: no need for an account (% age 15+)
  • Reason for not using their inactive account: no need for an account (% with an inactive account, age 15+)
  • Use a mobile money account two or more times a month (% age 15+)
  • Use a mobile money account two or more times a month (% with a mobile money account, age 15+)
  • Withdrew money from a financial institution account 2 or more times a month (% age 15+)
  • Withdrew money from a financial institution account 2 or more times a month (% who had withdrawn money, age 15+)